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Latest news and updates on World Environment Day 2024


Republic of Azerbaijan to host World Environment Day 2026

The Republic of Azerbaijan will host World Environment Day 2026, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Republic of Azerbaijan announced today in the capital, Baku, during an official visit by the Executive Director of UNEP, Inger Andersen.

World Environment Day, which Baku will host on 5 June 2026, is the largest global platform for environmental engagement and action. Established by the UN General Assembly in 1972, the Day inspires and is celebrated by millions of people across the world, who participate in online and in-person activities and events around the world aimed at accelerating environmental progress for people and planet. With Azerbaijan as hosts, World Environment Day 2026 will focus on climate change.

Read full press release

World Environment Day turned global gaze towards land restoration

The 51st edition of World Environment Day was a record-breaker, with an unprecedented 3,854 official events and tens of millions of people joining the conversation online. 

The celebration helped raise the profile of land degradation, desertification and drought, while showcasing the potential of ecosystem restoration. It also united world leadersartistscelebrities, astronauts, school children and a chorus of others in a call to protect and restore the Earth. 

For more on the key takeaways of a ground-breaking World Environment Day, check out our wrap up story

And for everyone who took part in the day, whether you planted a tree or shared a tweet, a big thanks. You helped make this year’s celebration a success. See you next year in the Republic of Korea

Thank you!

From all of us at the UN Environment Programme, our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the entire UN family for amplifying the World Environment Day messages and for the great work they do all year long to transform the global food systems, build more sustainable cities, protect the world's cultural heritage, create a more equal world for women and children, and help refugees impacted by land degradation, desertification, drought and conflict. 

World’s first ‘upcycled sports mascot’ unveiled on WED

World Environment Day saw the world’s first sports mascot made entirely upcycled materials as United States MLS team Inter Miami unveiled Heron. Created from training tops, shorts and other type of used football equipment, the mascot – named after the club’s nickname – aims to encourage sustainability in football.  


A screenshot of an Instagram post

Republic of Guinea prohibits logging

The West African country announced yesterday a ban on logging, transporting and importing timber. It is hoped that the new policy will help protect forests and preserve vegetation cover, particularly along the banks of waterways, said Djami Diallo, the country’s environment minister.

Trio of countries announce tree-planting drives

A tree
Photo: Science Photo Library/AFP

Yesterday was a good day for forests. The Maldives unveiled a plan to plant 5 million trees, while both Bangladesh and Oman said they would expand forest cover in the coming years. The moves are designed to help counter the growing threat of deforestation: every year, the world loses 10 million hectares of trees

Uruguayan capital lights up to celebrate WED

Montevideo went green last night to mark World Environment Day.

Montevideo went green last night to mark World Environment Day
Credit: UNEP

Wetlands in Kenya come into focus

Environment, Climate Change and Forestry Cabinet Secretary Soipan Tuya commissioned the restoration of Kiambuthu Wetland in Embu town as part of this year's World Environment Day festivities.  

Wetlands in Kenya come into focus

Iconic Swiss fountain goes green

Geneva’s famed Jet d’Eau, which can shoot water 50 storeys high, turned green to celebrate World Environment Day. The display was a reminder that managing and restoring freshwater ecosystems is key to combating biodiversity loss, pollution and climate change, organisers said. 

Iconic Swiss fountain goes green


Sand artist creates one of kind sand sculpture

Award winning sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik created a beautiful sculpture made entirely of sand to commemorate World Environment Day.  

Screenshot of a sand sculpture post on X.