What: From 7-10 June 2020, the Act #ForNature Global Online Forum will bring together citizens, government and non-governmental organizations, businesses and scientific institutions from around the globe to engage in a series of open and inclusive discussions across a diverse range of topics from healthy ecosystems and marine plastics to global food systems, youth and more. It will build on the momentum created by World Environment Day on 5 June–a day that recognizes global change requires a global community; inspires positive change; and calls for collective, worldwide environmental action. The forum will pave the way for a successful UNEA-5, by building a compelling case for transformational change for nature and people in the context of the post-COVID-19 world.
The online forum will be led by UNEA President and Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment, Sveinung Rotevatn and UN Under-Secretary-General and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director, Inger Andersen.
What is Townhall 3 about?
Building on the strong political support of the past four sessions of the United Nations Environment Assembly and many expressions of the political will to support stronger global commitment on marine litter and microplastics over the past year, UNEA-5 comes at an important moment in time. Critical to this mission also is to provide a good science and evidence-base to inform policy-making. Data consolidation, source inventories and standardized methodologies – are needed to better understand the sources, pathways and impacts of litter in the marine environment.
This session, held in the context of the Bureau Meeting of UNEA 5, will attempt to address the question:
What actions should UNEA 5 take on marine plastic litter, and how can technology, finance and initiatives by stakeholders contribute to robust policy action in support of the ambition to eliminate all discharge of litter into the ocean in the long-term?
For more information here and here.