
It’s time to raise our voices to tell the world that we need action now.

This World Environment Day, it’s time for nature.

In the lead up to World Environment Day, we're featuring updates from United Nations System, from partners and from others helping to call attention to the fact that the future of humanity depends on action now.


Líderes religiosos unidos contra la deforestación

diálogo interreligioso colombia

Seis líderes religiosos de distintas creencias, convocados por la Iniciativa Interreligiosa para los Bosques Tropicales, participan hoy en un seminario web sobre la deforestación y la preservación de los bosques de Colombia, el país anfitrión del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 2020.

El Diálogo Interreligioso por los Bosques: Unidos para poner fin a la deforestación en Colombia abordará este desafío crucial para la conservación de la biodiversidad y analizará cómo los distintos grupos de fe pueden ayudar a cimentar una nueva relación de nuestra sociedad con la naturaleza.

Fecha y hora: 3 de junio, 15:00 horas (GMT-5).

Registro y conexión: Vía zoom.  ID: 842 0363 8926 - Contraseña: 363310

Listen to this leadership podcast with Young Champion of the Earth Omar Itani

Podcast with Omar Itani

What: For World Environment Day, AIESEC focuses this week's podcast on the topic of sustainability. The aim is to showcase how young leaders utilise their ideas and entrepreneurs skills to create innovative solutions for building more sustainable communities. 

In collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme, our guest on this episode is Omar Itani. He was recognised as a Young Champion of the Earth by the UN Environment Programme for his brilliant efforts in reducing clothing waste in Beirut, Lebanon.

Listen on Spotify.

Listen on Apple Podcasts.

Webinar: Youth Spotlight on Biodiversity in Africa

Youth Spotlight Webinar

What: The theme for World Environment Day, 5 June 2020 is biodiversity – a call to action to combat the accelerating species loss and degradation of the natural world. One million plant and animal species risk extinction, largely due to human activities. Young people are the future, and the decisions made now will determine the kind of world you will inherit. Increasingly, you are making your voices heard with real impact. Young people have a role to play in preventing biodiversity loss and preserving nature for our future. If we are to change

the course of destruction, we must first LEARN about what we can do; SHARE that knowledge with our communities on World Environment Day; and once it is safe to do so, ACT on the things we need to change.


When: 4 June 2020; 14.00 - 16.00 EAT

Register here.

Debate en línea: La naturaleza nos habla en tiempos de COVID-19

día mundial del medio ambiente seminario paraguay

El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA), junto con el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) en Paraguay, organizan un seminario web con expertos para analizar los vínculos entre la biodiversidad, el cambio climático, la producción alimentaria y sus relaciones con las enfermedades zoonóticas como la COVID-19.

Participarán María Elena Zaccagnini, miembro de la fuerza de tarea sobre herramientas y políticas del Panel Intergubernamental Científico-Normativa sobre Diversidad Biológica y Servicios de los Ecosistemas (IPBES), Hivy Ortíz Chour, coordinadora del Programa de Campo de la FAO, y Santiago Carrizosa, asesor del PNUD sobre la conservación de la biodiversidad y el acceso a recursos genéticos.

Fecha y hora: 5 de junio, 12:00 horas (GMT-4)

Más información: bit.ly/2Mn0TRT

Stickers #PorLaNaturaleza para difundir en tu WhatsApp

stickers medio ambiente especies

Una manera simple y divertida de celebrar la biodiversidad en este #DíaMundialDelMedioAmbiente es ayudar a amplificar el mensaje de respeto y protección a la naturaleza a través de stickers en WhatsApp.

El Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible de Colombia ha preparado estos creativos stickers en torno al combate al tráfico ilegal de especies, el cuarto crimen más lucrativo a nivel global.

¡Utilízalos y ayuda a que el mensaje llegue a más personas!

El tráfico ilegal de especies provoca un aumento en el riesgo de transmisión de enfermedades de los animales a las personas, al burlar controles sanitarios y de bioseguridad.  

Es clave que los Estados desarrollen economías basadas en vida silvestre de manera sostenible, de modo que salvaguarden los hábitats y garanticen que se obtengan beneficios justos para los principales custodios: las personas que coexisten con la vida silvestre.

Para descargar los stickers, descarga la aplicación Sticker.ly y haz click aquí:  http://sticker.ly/s/EO20F

Festival de cine ambiental y el PNUMA lanzan muestra en línea el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente


Documentales en línea por el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

¡Celebra la naturaleza desde casa a través del cine ?! El 5 de junio #DíaMundialDelMedioAmbiente el Suncine - Festival Internacional de Cine del Medio Ambiente y el #PNUMA lanzan una muestra en línea de documentales ambientales para inspirar el amor #PorLaNaturaleza. Mira la programación: bit.ly/2As7asM #QuédateEnCasa

Posted by Programa ONU Medio Ambiente on Monday, June 1, 2020


Del 5 al 8 de junio el Festival SUNCINE y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente lanzarán una muestra en línea de documentales ambientales para apoyar la campaña #PorLaNaturaleza del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente.

En la pantalla de la web del festival se proyectarán diariamente las siguientes películas documentales, gracias a la inestimable colaboración de los autores y realizadores.

"El Viaje de Unai" de Andoni Canela.

"El Secreto del Bosque" de Antonio Grundfeld.

"Hondar 2050" de Cesare Maglioni.

"Olas Blancas" de Inka Reichert.

Mira la programación aquí: bit.ly/2As7asM

Listen to The Great Animal Orchestra by the Cartier Foundation

Website screenshot

The Great Animal Orchestra, commissioned by the Cartier Foundation, is an online installation available in French, English and Spanish.

Described as a sound sculpture, or eco-installation, the installation places animal sounds with visual representations, in the form of color-coded, abstract “spectrograms” as conceived by the British collective United Visual Artists (UVA).

Combining aesthetics and technology, the show offers an audio-visual immersion into the sounds of nature, and a sound and visual meditation on the necessity of preserving the beauty of the animal world.

For almost 50 years, Bernie Krause has collected over 5,000 hours of recordings of natural habitats and species globally. He is passionate about these “soundscapes". London-based studio United Visual Artists (UVA) imagined a visual translation of Bernie Krause’s soundscapes, allowing to listen to sounds and visualize them simultaneously. They designed a 3-D electronic installation provides a journey through 7 territories recorded by Bernie Krause.

Listen to this Great Animal Orchestra by visiting this link.

Join a webinar on the Outreach Journey of acclaimed documentary – The Elephant Queen

The Elephant Queen

What: Mark Deeble, Victoria Stone along with their small film crew spent more than four years in Tsavo National Park, Kenya to capture the story of "The Elephant Queen" before its global release last year. Join speakers to discuss how the filmmakers changed hearts and minds with the film, scaling efforts globally, but creating conservation and educational impact locally on the ground through strategic efforts and private and public partnerships that educate and inform those who can best protect the elephants and their habitats — Kenya’s engaged citizens, educators, conservationists and policy-makers making a difference.

Speakers: Dr Paula Kahumbu, Victoria Stone, Mark Deeble and Etienne Oliff

When: 5 June 2020; 20.30 EAT via Zoom – Register here.

To celebrate World Environment Day:

  • Watch the documentary – now available with the director’s commentary that provides unique insights into the filmmaking journey in Kenya – here.
  • Enjoy stories inspired by the film written by the film’s writer-director Mark Deeble, an Emmy® and Peabody Award-winning filmmaker. These stories will draw young readers into the world of Athena, the majestic elephant matriarch, and her family. Read these lovely stories for free here.

Webinar: Biodiversity for Sustainable Livelihoods


Join the World Environment Day Virtual Commemoration in New York


What: World Environment Day, which falls on 5 June every year, is the United Nations flagship day for encouraging global awareness and action to protect our environment. The theme for World Environment Day this year is ‘Biodiversity’, which provides the essential infrastructure that supports life on Earth and human development. To mark the occasion, the UNEP New York Office is hosting a special online briefing focusing on policy and actions to protect nature and sustainable use of resources it provides. 

Opening remarks:

H.E. Amb. Guillermo Fernández de Soto

Permanent Representative of the Republic of Colombia to the United Nations

H.E. Amb. Christoph Heusgen 

Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations


H.E. Amb. Thilmeeza Hussain, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations

Pavan Sukhdev, President of WWF International (moderator)

Jennifer Morris, CEO, The Nature Conservancy

M. Sanjayan, CEO, Conservation International

Patricia Velásquez, Hollywood Actor and Organization of American States (OAS) Goodwill Ambassador for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the Americas

When: 5 June 2020; 10.00 - 11.30 EST

Event link here or watch it live via UN Web TV.