
It’s time to raise our voices to tell the world that we need action now.

This World Environment Day, it’s time for nature.

In the lead up to World Environment Day, we're featuring updates from United Nations System, from partners and from others helping to call attention to the fact that the future of humanity depends on action now.


AU$1 million conservation drive launched by Tasmanian tour company

tasmanian fund

Tasmanian Walking Company has launched a philanthropic initiative on World Environment Day to raise money in support of Australian conservation projects. The initiative, called Tasmanian Walking Company Foundation, will provide a guarantee of raising $1 million over the next five years, making up any shortfall with a corporate donation.

The Foundation will provide a platform for walkers to give back to the wilderness areas they visit and in turn, help conserve the natural and cultural heritage for generations to come. Walkers will be able to add a charitable contribution to their booking and an employee donation matching scheme will be established.  TWC will cover all administration costs with 100% of the money raised donated.

Fundraising efforts will be spent on boots-on-the-ground projects that advocate for the conservation of public land to sustain healthy forests, wildlife habitat, and recreation opportunities. Campaigns will focus on revegetation projects and the expansion of protected areas such as the Tarkine where less than 5% is national park areas despite being the world’s second-largest cool temperature rainforest.

Sustainable Consumption and Production experts look at biodiversity linkages

webinar sustainable consumption

The Institute of Public Policy and Development host a webinar highlighting the important linkages between sustainable use of natural resources and human well-being, especially safety and quality of life. In an interactive dialogue, experts share approaches for post-COVID recovery that allows transition towards low-carbon and green economies.

Varawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Pirkka Tapiola, Ambassador of the European Union to the Kingdom of Thailand and Dechen Tsering, UNEP’s Asia and the Pacific Regional Director will deliver messages, along with Alex Rendell, newly named UNEP National Goodwill Ambassador for Thailand. 

Wild for Life campaign launched in Bahasa Indonesia

Wild for Life campaign launched in Bahasa Indonesia

The Leuser ecosystem in Indonesia is getting an advocacy boost to support the protection of this valuable wilderness. Under the Lion’s Share Fund, local and global partners are combining forces to tackle the threats facing the Leuser.

UNEP is now offering its Wild For Life campaign in Bahasa Indonesia. Wild for Life allows you to find your kindred species out of a number of endangered and threatened animals and plants, including those present in the Leuser, like the tiger, elephant, rhino, pangolin, orangutan, helmeted hornbill and others.

The Wild for Life campaign will help propagate the message of the Leuser, the only location on Earth where rhinos, tigers, elephants and elephants roam the same land. This unique ecosystem not only features immense biodiversity, its ecosystem services support millions of people living in the area.

“Both inside and outside of Indonesia, we hope that getting the word out, through our Wild for Life campaign, will encourage more interest in its protection,” said Lisa Rolls, Head of Biodiversity Communications at UNEP. “With more public support, we can work for stronger policies and enforcement that will keep the Leuser vital for both the humans and animals that depend on it for generations to come.”

Time for Coral : How you can help save an entire ecosystem

Time for coral

What: Coral reefs – often described as the “rainforests of the sea” – are some of the most astoundingly biodiverse ecosystems in the world. They support a quarter of all marine species, protect our coastlines, provide food and livelihoods for 500 million people and are even used in the development of new medicines. Yet, these exceptional animals (that’s right, coral is an animal!) are under threat. This World Environment Day join the United Nations Environment Programme, The Ocean Agency and Reef-World for a fascinating discussion about these vital ecosystems.


  • Richard Vevers, Founder and CEO, The Ocean Agency
  • Chloë Harvey, Director, The Reef-World Foundation
  • James J Harvey, Director, The Reef-World Foundation
  • Gabriel Grimsditch UNEP

You’ll learn:

  • Why is coral so important?
  • What threats does this ecosystem face?
  • How a ground-breaking Netflix Originals documentary has put corals in the global spotlight
  • How the Green Fins initiative in conserving coral reefs around the world
  • The simple changes YOU can make to protect coral reefs for future generations.

Watch here.

Prasar Bharati archives release 18- part series on the Himalaya & it's biodiversity.

On the occasion of World Environment Day watch 'Himalaya Watch', a 18 episodes series on Himalaya & it's biodiversity.

To see all episodes click the link below :https://t.co/7xLBtclXj4#EnvironmentDay #WorldEnvironmentDay @shashidigital @prasarbharati

— Prasar Bharati Archives (@centralarchives) June 5, 2020


Melbourne city water joins in to celebrate World Environment Day

Today is #WorldEnvironmentDay - a time to pause, think about how our everyday actions impact the world around us & look at ways to reduce our carbon footprint for the benefits of generations to come.

Read about how we're taking action: https://t.co/xW0nSB0Jx5#ForNature @UNEP pic.twitter.com/rZpiArrbWP

— Melbourne Water (@MelbourneWater) June 5, 2020


Singapore’s National Libraries Board encourage kids to share why they are #ForNature

singapore children's library

In partnership with City Developments Limited, Singapore’s National Libraries Board launched a storytelling contest in late April to encourage kids and families to share inspiring stories of why they love the planet. The winning videos, announced today, will win prizes, and are featured in a compilation released for World Environment Day.

Conference on how Indonesia can use local wisdom to conserve nature

indonesia webinar

What: A conference will look at how Indonesia can use local wisdom to conserve nature.

The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry will hold a webinar in Bahasa Indonesia to celebrate World Environment Day. The webinar will discuss how to conserve nature with local wisdom. Minister Siti Nurbaya will be the keynote speaker and panels will include, among others, a former Minister of Environment, current Governor of East Java, and other lawmakers.

Join via this link.

Conferencia desde Perú: “Biodiversidad: la hora de la naturaleza”

conferencia peru biodiversidad

El Ministerio del Ambiente de Perú (MINAM) realizará el 5 de junio la conferencia virtual “Biodiversidad: la hora de la naturaleza”.

La actividad estará dividida en ocho segmentos. En el primero participan Fabiola Muñoz, titular del MINAM; Leo Heileman, director regional del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) en América Latina y el Caribe; y el embajador Diego Mellado, jefe de la Delegación de la Unión Europea en el Perú.

Otros segmentos tratarán sobre la importancia de las áreas naturales protegidas, el rol de la biodiversidad en la salud y la seguridad alimentaria, bosques y cambio climático, bionegocios, economía circular y gobernanza ambiental

Fecha y hora: 5 de junio, 16:00 horas (GMT-5)

Más detalles y conexión: bit.ly/3cuxv6J

Lancement mondial du documentaire haïtien "Ainsi parla la Mer" à l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de l'Environnement

pelicula haiti  mar pnuma

Après le succès de sa Grande Première tenue en Haïti, le documentaire « Ainsi parla la Mer » d'Arnold Antonin Cinéaste Haitien est maintenant prêt pour sa sortie mondiale à l’occasion de la célébration de la Journée Mondiale de l’Environnement 2020! 

Le #COVID19 nous a certes séparés, mais nous pouvons toujours rester connectés en ligne pour nous joindre à cette passionnante conversation initiée par la Mer d’Haïti. A ses côtés, des prêtresses vaudou, des pêcheurs, des marchandes, des artistes, des entrepreneurs, des experts urbanistes, historiens, biologistes, climatiques, toutes et tous des enfants d’Haïti, prennent la parole dans ce récit et racontent leurs propres expériences avec la nature haïtienne.Avec des images spectaculaires de la Perle des Caraïbes et une narration magnifique, vous plongerez dans les histoires, mystères et préoccupations de la Mer haïtienne. 

Le PNUE vous invite à savourer ce documentaire, comme une aventure pour voyager, découvrir ou redécouvrir la beauté d’Haïti, mais aussi pour entendre les messages que notre nature nous envoie. L’horizon d’Haïti sera côtier ou ne sera pas. « C’est le temps de la nature », ainsi parla la Mer…

Date  vendredi 5 juin 2020, à l’occasion de la #JournéeMondialeDelEnvironnement 2020

: Où que vous soyez, #RestezALaMaison !

Lien de visionnage: Ce sera sur Youtube et sous-titré en français, anglais et espagnol.

Le lien Youtube sera révélé le jour même au matin (9h en Haïti) sur la page Facebook du Programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement en Haïti! Vous pourrez visionner le film à votre convenance en cliquant sur ce lien durant toute la journée.