Measuring progress on nature and the SDGs: Join the virtual launch of a new report

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The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, which launches officially on World Environment Day June 5, runs until 2030, which is also the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world’s blueprint to a better, fairer future for people and planet.

Ecosystem restoration delivers multiple benefits like creating jobs, protecting livelihoods, regulating diseases and reducing the risks posed by natural disasters. Restoration efforts will be critical if we want to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

Time is getting short so how are we doing? On May 22, UNEP and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity will release Measuring Progress: Environment and the SDGs, an analysis of progress made, measured against 92 environment-related SDG indicators.

The report uses simple correlation analyses between indicator pairs related to the state of the environment and drivers of change, and the state of the environment and the state of society, to improve the understanding of the links between SDGs indicators. Panelists will discuss the background, adopted methodology, results and main recommendations, ending with a Q&A session.

Join the virtual launch and see what the data tells us.

When: May 22; 8:00 EST, 14:00 CET, 15:00 EAT, 20:00 CST

Where: Online. Click here for the link.

World Environment Day will be celebrated by millions of people and already there are a host of online events lined up. Stay up-to-date with the World Environment Day official event schedule here.

Find out more about the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration here and join in by becoming part of #GenerationRestoration.