
It’s time to raise our voices to tell the world that we need action now.

This World Environment Day, it’s time for nature.

In the lead up to World Environment Day, we're featuring updates from United Nations System, from partners and from others helping to call attention to the fact that the future of humanity depends on action now.


Hora da Natureza: Reflexões sobre o Amanhã

Hora da Natureza com Sebastião Salgado e Rosiska DarcyNeste ano, o Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente, em 5 de junho, simboliza a oportunidade de repensarmos a nossa relação com a natureza. Com este objetivo, o Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente (PNUMA) se une ao Museu do Amanhã para promover dois eventos virtuais repletos de ideias, trocas e inspirações nos dias 4 e 5 de junho.

O bate-papo “Hora da Natureza: reflexões sobre o amanhã” reunirá Rosiska Darcy, Sebastião Salgado e Fábio Scarano para uma conversa de alto nível sobre meio ambiente, ser humano e os futuros possíveis que desejamos construir. A live será transmitida pelo You Tube das duas organizações na quinta-feira (4), às 16 horas. 

Confira! - youtube.com/YOUTUBEBRASIL

Webinar: How Collective Leadership Can Reverse Nature Loss

Webinar private leadership


What: Private sector webinar addressing the challenges of climate mitigation and adaptation and the local & international finance opportunities available to Tanzanian stakeholders

When: June 4, 2020 02:00 PM in Nairobi

Join via this link.

Beijing airport displays #TimeForNature campaign

Beijing airport display

Beijing airport display


Beijing display airport

Virtual Garden Tour by NYC Parks

Join us live at the Lower East Side's 9th St. Community Garden for @unepnyo's #WorldEnvironmentDay! https://t.co/dkmXbiHP8G

— NYC Parks (@NYCParks) June 4, 2020


What: Enjoy a virtual garden tour of 9th Street Community Garden in the East Village of New York City. NYC Parks will live stream this garden tour by GreenThumb garden member, Laurie Olinder, as part of the UN World Environment Day.

When: 4 June 2020; 12.00 EST | 12.15 EST

Tune into the @NYCParks and @greenthumbgrows Twitter pages at 12.00 pm and the NYCParks and GreenThumbNYC Facebook pages at 12:15 p.m.

Find more information here.

Instagram Live with Catherine Constantinides

Climate WED

What: Join @ChangeAgentSA on Instagram Live with International Climate Activist Catherine Constantinides for a discussion on how climate change affects biodiversity.

When: 4 June 2020; 16.00 SAST | 15.00 GMT+1 

Find more information here.

Ya está disponible la programación del evento oficial del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

leopardo día mundial del medio ambiente

El Gobierno de Colombia ha preparado una agenda de alto nivel para celebrar el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente el próximo viernes 5 de junio a través de las plataformas digitales.

La jornada será inaugurada por el Presidente de Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, el Ministro de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible de Colombia, Ricardo Lozano, la Directora Ejecutiva del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, Inger Andersen, el Presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Luis Alberto Moreno, el Fundador y CEO del Foro Económico Mundial, Klaus Schwab, el Presidente y CEO del Instituto de Recursos Mundiales, Andrew Steer, la ex Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático Christiana Figueres, otros invitados especiales, y contará con un mensaje del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, António Guterres.

Una serie de paneles con oradores de alto nivel analizarán cómo poner la conservación de la naturaleza en el centro del modelo de desarrollo. Se abordará el rol crucial de la Amazonía para la resiliencia de nuestro planeta, el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad, los vínculos entre la diversidad biológica y la pandemia de COVID-19 y otros asuntos clave para “reconstruir mejor” en la era pos-COVID-19.

En esta sección puede ver la programación completa y encontrará próximamente los detalles de conexión.

Fecha y hora: 5 de junio, 7:30 a 17:00 horas (GMT-5)

Why Biodiversity Matters: People & Planet


What: Biodiversity is a key component to building a sustainable future for all. Join Adenike Oladosu & Elizaberth Wathuti on #ClimateWednesday as we commemorate #WorldEnvironmentDay covering "Why Biodiversity Matters: People & Planet" 

When: 3PM GMT+1

Interactive Session: Relationship Between Media and Biodiversity

Interactive session invite

Youth Webinar: Connecting Environment, Climate Change & Public Health

youth webinar invite

What: Youth webinar hosted by GIZ and UNEP, featuring youth representatives and other renowned speakers

When: June 3rd from 11AM to 12:30PM

Join via this link.

Virtual Escape Room - Save the earth and earth will save you!

escape room

What: We will be designing a virtual escape room where participants can come in as an individual or the group. They will have to solve different environmental riddles to escape the room. We will portray the room as earth. If participants make any mistake (potentially does something that's against saving the biodiversity), the room (earth) will turn darker which signifies pollution and plastics. We will be broadcasting the games live for a wider audience to engage and watch.

Online Event Location can be found on this Facebook link.